
Archive for the ‘Work thing’ Category

Arrived at the retreat on time & I didn’t get lost 🙂 !So far it’s been really good not a dull moment at all. I’m surprised really. Here’s some pictures of the room we have. It’s super cute and much much much better than the bunk beds we had last year with 8 other girls. Just me and Karen sharing this room (my co-worker).

By the time it was dinner i was starving! Dinner was at 6:30pm and we had about 45 minutes to eat.  it was buffet style I had broccoli and cheese ravioli, veggies and small salad a dinner roll and caned pears 🙂


Dessert was a whole other ball game!!! This had to be one of the best desserts I’ve ever had!
I had half of a slice and this cheese cake that had an apple on it which tasted amazing. THEN the best one i had was a half of a slice of cranberry pumpkin cheese cake… IT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD. I should have taken a whole slice instead 😉


After dinner we had another class and then we headed out to the bon fire. It’s super cold out tonight I stayed outside for hmm about 45 minutes. I had 1 smore and 2 roasted marshmallows & now I’m here typing. It’s 11:30 almost and tomorrow we have to be up at 5:45am to meet at 6am to go for a run. YUP A RUN AT 6AM!!! yikes!! haha

Here’s a picture of my boss doing on of the fun activities we had tonight. The group I was in actually won :).



So as i said I’m having a pretty good time. I’m glad I came now only will this help me at work but it will help me at home to. That’s what I look forward to the most. Bringing more love and happiness home to help my relationships outside of work and improve the relationship between Nick and I.

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